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Genesis Behavior Center Website

Genesis Behavior Center

Genesis Behavior Center, Inc. was founded in response to the continuing need for effective, research-based services for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and various behaviors. The founders of Genesis Behavior Center are committed to providing the highest quality of behavior intervention for children and families living with autism. Intervention is based on principles of Applied Behavior Analysis, and utilizes technology based on the research of Lovaas, Sundberg & Partington, and others

Primary methods used are Discrete Trial Training (DTT), Natural Environment Training (NET), Verbal Behavior procedures, and functional analysis of behaviors. Each child’s current functioning level is assessed and an individualized program developed to meet his/her needs in the areas of functional communication, social skills, self-help skills, pre-academic skills, and maladaptive behaviors. Services are available in home and at public or private school sites. The mission of Genesis Behavior Center is to give each child and family the tools needed for independence and success in daily life, in the least restrictive environment possible.

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